Air Pollution in Comuna Chiscani: Real-time Air Quality Index and smog alert.

Current data from stations: RO0117A
Locations: « Brăila Comuna Chiscani Şerbanu »
Pollution and air quality forecast for Comuna Chiscani. Today is Sunday, April 28, 2024. The following air pollution values have been recorded for Comuna Chiscani:
  1. ozone (O3) - 50 (Good)
  2. nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - 13 (Good)
Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI) for Comuna Chiscani, Thursday, July 14, 2022: 1.

air quality index: 0
AQI 1 Good

What is the air quality in Comuna Chiscani today? Is the air polluted in Comuna Chiscani?. Is there smog?

Today (Thursday, July 14, 2022) air quality is good. The air quality has no effect on health. Everyone can continue their outdoor activities normally in Comuna Chiscani.

How is the O3 level today in Comuna Chiscani? (ozone (O3))
50 (Good)

How high is the level of NO2? (nitrogen dioxide (NO2))
13 (Good)

Current data Thursday, July 14, 2022, 6:00 AM

O3 50 (Good)

NO2 13 (Good)

Data on air pollution from recent days in Comuna Chiscani

index 2022-07-14
o3 40
no2 17
data source »


Thursday, July 14, 2022, 6:00 AM

O3 50 (Good)

ozone (O3)

NO2 13 (Good)

nitrogen dioxide (NO2)


index 2022-07-14
o3 40
no2 17

* Pollution data source: () The data is licensed under CC-By 4.0